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A. Background of the Study
Indonesians have to master English as an International language either for communicative purpose or for academic purpose. English is used for mastering science and technology. Mastering English as a means of communication and transferring information in this global era becomes important reason for teaching English since the early years of play group and kindergarten.
At the moment the ability of speaking English is really needed on many fields. In Indonesia, English is taught and learnt as a compulsory subject from junior high school until university level. English is learnt in elementary school as a local content and it is also learnt in Kindergarten as a favorite program. English is taught in kindergarten just for introducing the children English as a foreign language. Besides that, it functions to give students basic knowledge of English so that they will do much better in elementary school. Brewter, et al. (1992: 102) support the statement by saying that "early foreign language learning also aims to prepare pupils for the more formal and exam-oriented courses in next school."
In many countries in the world, a foreign language such as English is learnt since primary school or kindergarten. Brewster, Ellis, and Girard (1992: 12) say that "In most countries, children are confronted with learning a foreign or second language at about the age of eleven, except where an earlier start is made in primary or pre school."
Learning English as early as possible is important. Some experts propose the reasons of early learning of a foreign language. Long in Ur (1996: 287) says that an early start to language learning is likely to lead to better long-term results if early learning is maintained and reinforced as the child gets older. According to Ohlsen (1961: 269), there is probably no best age for all individuals to begin to learn a foreign language. In childhood, the advantages are probably greater in developing linguistic flexibility and learning directly the concepts of a second language.
From those statements above, it can be concluded that early learning of a foreign language is recommended because, in long term, it will give better results for children. Besides, in childhood, children have a greater opportunity in terms of the development of linguistic flexibility and they have a better facility in understanding language than adolescents.
Furthermore, they say that children who have benefited from a properly thought out program of foreign language learning early, even if it has only been for two years, are better prepared to respond to the teaching in the next school as a natural continuation and development of what has gone before. (Brewter, 1992: 48). It means that learning a foreign language early has an advantages for students to be prepared in learning process in elementary school.
According to UU No. 20/2003, 1: 14 say that:
Pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) adalah suatu upaya pembinaan yang ditujukan kepada anak sejak lahir sampai dengan usia enam tahun yang dilakukan melalui pemberian rangsangan pendidikan untuk membantu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jasmani dan rohani agar anak memiliki kesiapan dalam memasuki pendidikan lebih lanjut.
From the explanation above it can be concluded that the purpose of learning something in the kindergarten or preschool just for preparing the next education.
The potential of children's language trained and improved, because the children will appear good in using language since under five years olds. According to Brumfit, Moon, and Tongue (1997: 6), there are a number of reasons for teaching English at primary level that do not rely simply on the claim that is the best time to learn language well. One of them is the need to expose children from an early age to an understanding of foreign cultures so that they grow up tolerant and sympathetic to others. This is similar to what Brewster et al say: "Early foreign language learning in the more relaxed context of primary school has a good change of encouraging children to take an interest and develop a positive attitude towards the foreign country and its people" (1992: 50). It means that by learning a foreign language early, children can have an understanding about the country, the people, and also the culture where the language is spoken, so that they have a positive attitude towards them.
Another reason for teaching English since early is the need for maximum learning time for important languages-the earlier you start the more time you get. Brewster, et al. propose the same opinion. They say that:
"One reason for starting to learn a foreign language two or three years earlier (at five or six instead of eight or nine) might be simply to increase the total numbers of years spent learning the language in the belief that such an approach can't but be of benefit, no matter what the circumstances" (1992: 23).
It means that the longer students learn a foreign language the better result they will get from it. The students will have a lot of opportunity to learn English more.
Learning English particularly vocabulary is very important for supporting the ability of speaking, listening, writing and reading. Without mastering vocabulary one will face difficulties in improving the ability of communication with others, like the expert states that "Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed." This is how the linguist David Wilkins summed up the importance of vocabulary learning. His view is echoed in this advice to students from a recent course book (Dellar H and Hocking D, Innovation).
"If you spend most of your time studying grammar, your English will not improve very much. You will see most improvement if you learn more words and expression. You can say very little with grammar, but you can say almost anything with words!" (Thornbury: 13, 2002).
Most learners, too, acknowledge the importance of vocabulary acquisition. Here are some statements made by learners, in answer to the question. How would you like to improve your English?
"Oral is my weakness and I can't speak a fluent sentence in English. Sometimes, I am lack of useful vocabularies to express my opinion."
"I'd like to enlarge my vocabulary (this word I also had to find in dictionary). Too often my speaking is hard caused by missing words. (Thornbury:14, 2002).
However, vocabulary teaching has not always been very responsive to such problems, and teachers have not fully recognized the tremendous communicative advantage in developing an extensive vocabulary. In other word, most of teachers don't pay attention much in developing teaching vocabulary. They teach much for grammar, reading, speaking, listening, writing, etc,
To prepare students who are having good ability in communicating, the teacher should pay attention much in teaching vocabulary. Therefore, the students don't face difficulties in building sentences, and the difficulties in speaking caused missing words can be avoided. Teaching vocabulary can start from elementary or kindergarten when the students still in optimum grow up. When they gain vocabulary from early education, they can't face problem in higher education.
In Indonesia teaching vocabulary hasn't done optimal yet, it can be seen that the average students face difficulties in speaking. When the students in speech competition, they often stop speaking because they miss words. It caused their vocabulary is still limited. Besides, the teacher doesn't teach vocabulary to the students in early education (elementary or kindergarten). The students who are having limited vocabulary will face some problems, e.g. speaking, listening, reading, writing, etc.
Generally for secondary school, the teacher seldom teaches vocabulary, the students get new vocabulary only by reading. Meanwhile, for elementary or kindergarten the teacher still faces difficulties how to teach vocabulary to the students. The teacher hasn't found a good method how to teach vocabulary to the students. This paradigm needs to overcome soon, therefore for the future the students will get successful in learning vocabulary.
From the explanation above it can be concluded that vocabulary has an important role in mastering English. By mastering vocabulary the students will study English easily. This fact may support the English teacher to improve their role in teaching English. It is hoped by increasing the teaching and learning process the problem will overcome soon. The teacher is able to find a good method how to teach vocabulary to the students.
In X Kindergarten, the students have difficulties in learning English, particularly vocabulary in pronunciation, the use of words and understanding meaning. The students don't enjoy learning English. It can be seen from the result of test and interviewing the teacher and students. In X Kindergarten, learning English includes vocabulary, listening, and speaking. One of the teacher says that: "Yang diajarkan di sekolah kami antara lain kosa kata, kalimat perintah sederhana, juga percakapan sederhana." (SB, 2008: 5).
From the explanation above it can be concluded that vocabulary includes one of material that is taught at X Kindergarten. Related to vocabulary mastery, the students of X Kindergarten face difficulties or problems as follows:
1. The students get difficulties in using words.
2. The students get difficulties in grasping the meaning.
3. The students get difficulties in pronouncing the words .
They can be seen from the result of daily quiz, the mean of their mark is not good (5.5). (It can be seen at the appendix 18 p. 201).
From the result of the pre-test it can be concluded that the students have low ability in learning English, especially mastering vocabulary (understanding meaning, the use of words, and pronunciation). From 20 students, 3 students or (15%) gain good mark and 17 students or (85%). still get bad mark.
Besides, the difficulties come from the students. From the result of interviewing the student, one of the student says that one of her difficulties in learning English is how to pronounce the words. Dalam mengucapkan bahasa Inggris itu agak sulit (NS, 2008:9).
Because English is foreign language, most of the students have difficulties how to pronounce the words. It is caused their mother tounge is Javanese, English is still strange for most of them. Besides, some of them still have difficulties how to pronounce the words because of the function of their tongue. (Javanese: pelo), in other words the difficulties come from the students themselves.
Besides from the students, it is noticed that the difficulties come from the teacher himself. The teacher doesn't use the right method in teaching English, especially vocabulary. The teacher doesn't master any methods, therefore in teaching learning process the teacher uses one method only. The students just study in the classroom without doing something in other room or outside. It makes the students feel bored.
The material of teaching English is limited. In teaching learning process the teacher uses the material from the LKS and internal curriculum. The teacher cannot combine other material or create new material. The activities of students just focus in coloring, drawing, imitating and speaking without playing. The teacher does not give opportunity for the children for playing while they are studying. In this case, the technique of teaching is not appropriate to children's period.
He still has minimum English skill. Therefore, it makes the teaching learning process monotonous and makes the students bored. The teacher seldom uses the media in the classroom. To make the students easier in understanding English, using media is very important, because it will be more interesting for the children. Without using good media the teaching learning process become boring. The English teacher says that: "Saya kurang pede karena kadang belum menguasai betul (masih ragu-ragu) " (SS, 2008: 7).
Besides, the time is limited. In X Kindergarten, the students learn English only 30 minutes every week. It is taught by the teacher with other material such as Aqidah, Akhlaq, Javanese, Arabic, etc. Sometimes the teacher has difficulties in managing the time, because he must teach other material beside English. X Kindergarten is full day school, therefore the students have to study many fields everyday. The English teacher says that: Sekitar 30 menit, tapi terintegrasi dengan materi lain misalnya tema bentuk, warna, Aqidah, akhlaq dsb. (SS, 2008: 1).
To overcome the problems teacher has to find out the appropriate method of teaching English for children. It is hoped the student gets the good result in mastering vocabulary in English. Because of the reason, the researcher would like to provide a suitable method which is expected to help the teachers as educator in improving students' vocabulary.
Using beyond centers and circle time method (BCCT) may certainly be an effective way of teaching English for children. BCCT method is a curriculum theme series that is designed to provide a blend between a development and a didactic approach to working with young children. This theme series will provide teachers with lesson ideas that will allow opportunities to offer direct information while allowing children to experiment and explore materials in order to create their own knowledge. There are a lot of activities in BCCT method and the students can play in some places suitable to their skill and interest while they are learning. They can study English indoor or outdoor. The students have a lot of opportunities to play with their friends while they are on the process of learning. The teaching learning process becomes more interesting for children. They can play in the corners at least one hour, so they can enjoy learning English.
Using BCCT method the teacher has opportunity to create new play or media that is supporting the teaching learning process. Therefore, the teaching learning process become more interesting for the students. The teacher is able to practice English while giving instruction to the students using simple instruction, so they do not feel strange with English, because they use it everyday. It can be done when the students in the circle time or play in the corners.
In BCCT method there are many places for playing, they are called corner or playing place. The corner consist of preparation corner, art corner, building corner, nature corner, drama corner and pray corner. The corners are used for supporting the teaching and learning process. Every student is able to use the corner suitable to his interest. The teacher has to prepare them early, before learning English begins. In BCCT method, there are three kinds of play, those are: (1) role play (micro and macro); (2) building play; (3) sensory motor play.
BCCT is one of method that is suitable to children education, because in BCCT method the students have a lot of time to learn especially English, because there are many places using for teaching learning process and each place can be used for learning English. The students are not bored. The students are able to study by playing. It is suitable to children period, the children like playing. The activities in the corner help learners to forget they are studying, they lose themselves in playing in many places. Learning together in the corner involves the student actively in learning process. The learners don't feel bored, because they can choose a place for playing suitables to their interest and need. It will be easier for the teacher to conduct the students in teaching learning process. Hopefully, they can enjoy learning English by playing in many places. In other words, learning by doing in BCCT method can be used for improving student's competence of vocabulary.
Hopefully, learning English using BCCT method the students will gain a lot of advantages. First, they can study English indoor or outdoor, they can learn English together in the corners, they can learn by playing. Second, the students will be more active in doing activities, such as: answering teacher's question, learning and working together with their friends, making simple experiment, etc. Third, the students don't feel bored. Finally, they can enjoy learning English.
From the explanation above it can be concluded that BCCT is a method that is designed to provide a blend between a development and a didactic approach to working with young children, focused in children-centered in the corners. It is used to support teaching and learning process where students are able to move from a corner to different corner to improve their skill and knowledge.

B. Problem Statements
Based on the background above, the writer in her study formulates the problem being studied as follows :
1. Can the use of beyond centers and circle time method improve students' vocabulary at X Kindergarten?
2. How active is the students in the classroom when the teacher applies BCCT method at X Kindergarten?
3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of BCCT method in improving the students' English vocabulary at X Kindergarten?

C. Objectives of the Study
General objective: the objective of the study is to overcome the students' problem in mastering vocabulary using learning by doing in beyond centers and circle time method at X Kindergarten. Specific objective: the objective of the study is to gain information about:
1. Describing the improvement of students English vocabulary in the Kindergarten of X after being instructed by using Beyond Center and Circle Time method;
2. To know how active is the students in the classroom when the teacher applies Beyond Centers and Circle Time method at X Kindergarten?
3. To identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the implementation of Beyond Centers and Circle Time method.

D. The Benefit of the Study
The result of the action research is expected to be able to give some advantages for the students, the teacher, the school, and other researchers.
1. For the students
First, it can motivate students to study English. Through BCCT method, they will get an enjoyable situation, they won't feel bored. The students will get a better learning system, they will be able to improve their ability to memorize vocabulary by using beyond centers and circle time method. At last, they can learn English particularly vocabulary easily.
2. For the Teacher
Second, by understanding the result of this study, the teacher can be careful in selecting teaching technique in their class. It is hoped that the result of this study helps teachers to teach vocabulary properly by using BCCT method for kindergarten students. The teachers can improve their ability to make innovation, effective strategies, and scenario of teaching vocabulary. It also enriches teacher's technique to teach vocabulary so that their problems that faced in classroom can be solved.
3. For the School
Third, the school can compare the advantages of BCCT method to other method in learning English. So the school will be more selective in determining the technique of teaching English. Using BCCT method will be used for the school to increase the quality of its out put. Therefore, the school will get good reputation from government or society.
4. For other Researcher
Fourth, for other researcher the result of the research is able to use reference to furthermore research in developing teaching vocabulary. It is hoped that the data can open other researchers' mind in completing vocabulary field research. Therefore, for other research will be got a good result related to teaching vocabulary. The data can use to improve other research, particularly the difficulties in mastering vocabulary.

Posted by: Admin Indeks Prestasi Updated at: 10:21:00




A. Background of Study
Globalization era has come. The acquisition of foreign language especially English as an international language has become more and more important in facing the globalization. In relation to the importance of English, Indonesian government has determined English as the first foreign language to be learned by the students of Indonesia. It is included in the curriculum as a compulsory subject for Junior and Senior High Schools and also Vocational Schools.
Although English is a compulsory subject, the result has not been satisfactory enough yet. In fact, many students have been graduated from their school with minimum ability in using English. It is caused by some factors. One of them is inappropriate technique used by the students' age, while teachers did not pay attention in the aspect of motivation of the students. Whereas motivation is one of important factors which influence the result of teaching and learning process.
Problem faced by teacher is students are not interested in learning English. The low interest in learning process causes the students' attention to the taught material becomes low. It causes some students get less motivation in learning English. Consequently, their low motivation can cause their unsatisfied result in learning. One of the cases is that students often underestimate their own capacity in learning English, because they think that English is difficult to learn. It means that they are less motivated in learning English. So, they need to be encouraged to have a motivation in learning English.
Another problem also occurs since lack of enjoyable atmosphere in learning English. It seemed that students feel bored with the routine activities conducted by the teacher.
Students' learning motivation should be improved because motivation cannot be separated from teaching learning process and finally it influences the teaching learning itself in this case, achievement. This is supported by Ur (1996:274) that various studies have found that motivation is very strongly related to achievement in language learning. Motivation is essential for teaching and learning process. It is a crucial factor that determines students' willingness to engage in lesson and learning activities and their reason for doing so.
Motivation also becomes the determinant factor that explains the success and the failure of learning. There is a statement that "There can be no doubt that motivation plays a vital part in most students' success or failure as language learners" (Harmer, 1998:4). This statement is supported by Brown's opinion (1994:152) stating that motivation is probably the most frequently used catch all of them for explaining the success and the failure of any complex task. He also claims that someone's success in task due to the fact that he or she is motivated.
The motivated student does not only have high motivation in learning but also have to know his or her own ability. What his or her weakness and strength is. Doing a reflection is the appropriate way to know it.
Reflection has an important role in the teaching and learning activities. Reflection here means that human's activity in recapturing his or her experience, thinking about it, mulling it over and then evaluating it (Boud et al, 1985:19). The reflection process is usually followed by a reflective thinking. Reflective thinking is a critical thinking process that aimed to evaluate what are already done by someone and also to find the strengths and weaknesses. The result can be used as a guidance to develop his or her capacity. To develop the capacity motivation is needed. Someone's motivation makes his or her action possible.
The reflective thinking can be applied in the classroom not only by teacher (reflective teaching) but also by students (reflective learning). Reflective learning means a reflection activity by students to reflect their learning and what they get from learning process. Some functions of reflective learning given by Ellis (in Pinder: 2007): (1) to accept responsibility for their personal growth, (2) to help students see a clear link between the effort they put into their development activity and the benefits they get out of it, (3) to help students see more value in each learning experience, by knowing why they are doing it and what is in it for them, (4) to help students "learn how to learn" and add new skills over time.
In this study, to improve students' motivation in learning English, the writer uses Reflective Learning by the reason that reflective learning is a simple way for students to know themselves deeply. By doing the reflective learning, students will know their understanding, what item or lesson they have understood, and also they know what less understanding after the lesson is. By knowing their own ability, it is expected for the students to have a motivation to improve their ability. They can change their techniques of learning or study to be better than ever, or they can discuss to their English teacher. If they have high motivation in learning, their ability will be improved, and they will get satisfying result of learning process. The students can also write everything to express they feel during the lesson. After doing the reflection, the students will have a reflective thinking. Surely, the reflective thinking will help the students to motivate themselves to reach better understanding.
That's why the writer conducts a research which aims to improve the students' motivation in learning English in SMKN X through reflective learning. This research is conducted under the title: THE USE OF REFLECTIVE LEARNING TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' MOTIVATION IN LEARNING ENGLISH (A Classroom Action Research in the Tenth Grade of SMKN X in XXXX/XXXX Academic Year)".

B. Problems Statement
Based on the background of the study explained before, the writer in formulates the problems as follows:
1. Will reflective learning improve students' motivation in learning English?
2. To what extent does reflective learning become an appropriate way to improve the students' motivation in learning English?

C. The Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this study are to know whether reflective learning can improve the students' motivation in learning English or not. It also aims at give general description about the implementation of reflective learning in the classroom and about the things happening in the class when it is implemented (its effects to the students).

D. Benefits of the Study
The research result is expected to give some benefits for several sides. Firstly, the study will give a clear description about how reflective learning is implemented by both the students and the researcher who plays a role as the teacher in order to improve students' motivation in learning English.
The second benefit, for students, it is expected that the result of this research can give some advantages for the students of Vocational School to have a higher motivation in learning English and to have the appropriate behavioral change during the teaching learning process.
Next, it is also hoped that through this research, the information can be useful for teaching English in Vocational School especially SMKN X as the place where the research is conducted and it is expected that the school is able to improve its quality of teaching learning process.
The last, for Teacher Training and Education Faculty, it is expected that the result of this study can be a medium and provide contribution to explore one of the aspects in teaching English. It is hoped to be one field work that can be used as comparison for the students of Teacher Training and Education Faculty that are doing the same research.

Posted by: Admin Indeks Prestasi Updated at: 10:19:00




A. Background of the Study
From the 1999 syllabus of vocational school, it can be seen that the school started to teach their students not only English for specific purpose but also general English. The syllabus is designed to fulfill the needs of the students. Graduating from vocational school, most of the students wish to implement the skill they have learned. They have to meet certain requirements in order to get work. One of the requirements is having sufficient skill in foreign language especially English.
Learning English means learning language components and language skills. Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling are examples of language components. Meanwhile, language skill covers listening, writing, reading, and speaking. Among the four skills, speaking is often considered as the most difficult skill to be learned by the students. Brown and Yule (1983) state that learning to talk in the foreign language is often considered being one of the most difficult aspects of language learning for the teacher to help the students with. Helping the students develop the speaking skill not merely so that they can pass examination but also for more general use when they want to use the English in the outside world. They may need for further study, work or leisure, so that they will not be among the many people who unable to express his idea in English after having studied it for some years.
The teachers, therefore, are challenged to develop various teaching techniques. The variety of teaching techniques will help learners to get higher motivation to learn English. William and Burden (1997:111) say that motivation is the most powerful influences on learning.
In this research, teaching speaking using video is introduced. Video as an audio visual aids is beneficial for the teacher and students in English Language Teaching. Video can be used as an aid to teach the four skills namely reading, listening, speaking and writing. Rice (1993) says that video has so much to offer.
Furthermore, Heimei (1997) states that students love video because video presentation is interesting, challenging, and stimulating to watch. It also brings how people behave in culture whose language they are learning into the classroom. It enables students to have authentic experience in controlled environment. It is also contextualizing language naturally by showing real life into the classroom.
Based on the phenomenon above, it is necessary to conduct a classroom action research. This research is originated with Kurt Lewin, an American psychologist, who introduced it in educational research in the mid 1940s. Although the research is classified as either quantitative or qualitative research, the method applied in this research is qualitative methods. It allows us to describe what is happening and to understand the effects of some educational intervention.
The principal foundations conducting this research are to solve the identified problem and to understand the effects of some interventions. These two principals are aimed to make improvement and to see change. Mills (2006:6) says that the goals of conducting action research are to gain insight, to develop reflective practice, to effect positive changes in the school environment (and on educational practices in general), and to improve student outcomes and the lives of those involved. That’s why a collaboration classroom action research with a vocational school teacher to improve speaking skill of the second grade students of SMK X is conducted in this research.

B. Identification of the Problem
There are some problems that can be identified dealing with the students speaking skill. They are as follows:
1. How do the students practice the speaking skill?
2. How far do the students develop their speaking skill?
3. Do the techniques in teaching speaking used by the teacher improve students’ speaking skill?
4. Have the teacher tried new technique in teaching speaking in order to improve students speaking skill?
5. Will the students get improvement in speaking if the teacher uses video?

C. Limitation of the Problem
To limit the research, it is necessary to focus the problem discussed in the research. The problems are limited into:
1. The speaking improved in the research covers information routines especially giving justification
2. The videos used are only commercial breaks and a short documentary film
3. Improvement seen from the students’ motivation in speaking activity

D. Formulation of the Problem
The problem of this research can thus be formulated in the two questions bellow:
1. What factors causing the low speaking proficiency of the students?
2. Does and to what extent video improve students’ speaking proficiency?
3. Does and to what extent video increase students’ motivation in speaking class?

E. The Objectives of the Research
The objectives of this research will be the answers to the questions stated in the formulation of the problem. The objectives of this research, therefore, can be stated as follow:
1. To find out factors causing low ability in the speaking class
2. To identify the effectiveness of videos in the speaking class in improving the students’ speaking proficiency
3. To describe the effectiveness of videos in increasing students’ motivation in the speaking class

F. The Benefits of the Research
The result of the research hopefully will be very beneficial for:
1. The students at SMK X
Through video, they are expected to have good development in speaking skill. By having video, they will feel happy to learn English since they are put in an enjoyable situation.
2. The teachers of SMK X
It is expected that the research can give inspiration to the teachers of SMK X to have had efforts in developing various teaching techniques. It also expected that the teacher will conduct the same research with her colleagues to get some improvements in the teaching learning process since being a self-reflective teacher is important for teacher professionalism development.
3. The principal
It is expected that the principal promotes this research to the teachers and facilitate them to do the research. As a place to gain knowledge and education, school having good facilities that support TL process is not enough. There should be effort to teacher professional development. School regulator should provide the effort for the sake of students, teacher, and school committee itself.
4. The other researchers
This study is one of the ways in improving students’ speaking skill. It is expected that the findings will be used as starting points to conduct another research. There are many others techniques to make TL process more effective.

Posted by: Admin Indeks Prestasi Updated at: 10:15:00




A. Background of the Study
In this globalization era, English plays a prominent role in the world, where most people use English as a means of communication. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, English is considered as a foreign language (EFL). It has been introduced to educational institutions which is learnt from Junior High School up to university level as a compulsory subject to learn.
As a developing country, Indonesia has been preoccupied with national development and survivals in a strongly competitive world of science and technology. Therefore, Indonesian government admits the important role of English to accelerate the process of state and nation development. English serves as an international language, consequently many communities in many countries in this world use it in every aspect of human life, such as communication, economics, education, science and technology.
In accordance with the importance of English for communication, the Indonesian government has endeavored to improve the system of education and human resources development in realizing the objectives of national education. One of the efforts is done by implementing the Competency-Based Curriculum in the Vocational High School.
SMKN X is a vocational high school which has applied "SBI" (International Standard School) since the academic year of 2004/2005. UU No.20/2003 about Sisdiknas Section 50 verse (3) stated that "pemerintah dan/atau pemerintah daerah menyelenggarakan sekurang-kurangnya satu satuan pendidikan pada semua jenjang pendidikan untuk dikembangkan menjadi satuan pendidikan bertaraf international.
In SBI, the teaching material is written in English and the teachers give the material in English too. SBI at vocation high school has a mission to create capable workers either in our country or abroad. The class is equipped with a set of computer for each student, LCD, and network system which is connected to the internet. It has a learning model called e-learning and it is expected to be capable of encouraging students to study by themselves. The SBI system uses English and IT in the teaching-learning activities.
English curriculum for SMK is based on notional and functional syllabus. The instructional materials are chosen from the language use in work setting such as telephoning, making and handling reservation, making report and handling complaint. This is in line with the general objective of the teaching and learning English in SMK namely preparing the students to be ready to enter the job market. (Kurikulum KTSP, 2006:5). There is a requirement for SMK students to acquire communicative competence in English. There are four skills of the English communicative competence and one of the skills is speaking. The students can express the meaning well with the appropriate form, such as, in grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.
One of the weaknesses which they have in learning English, according to the writer's observation, is speaking ability. Their English speaking ability is still low. The indicators of the problems are as follows: First, the students feel shy to express their ideas in English. Second, the students seem to be in doubt and nervous to speak English; Third, the students do not know how to apply different transactional and interactional expressions in different situations. Fourth, the students are afraid of making mistakes in grammar, pronunciation, and intonation; Fifth, the students are afraid to be laughed at by others and they have no courage to express their own English ability; And finally, they never use English in their daily communication either inside, or, moreover, outside the class because of their limited vocabulary.
The causes of speaking problem can be seen from many factors. They may come from the teachers, the students, and the syllabus. Based on the interview that the writer did to some students and teachers informally the causes are as follows.
Firstly, the teachers tended to teach monotonously. The teachers did not apply various teaching techniques. The teachers usually focus their teaching on the written test which was held in the mid or at the end of the semester, even in the final exam. The teacher felt guilty if the students could not do the test well. There was no special time allocated to evaluate the students' speaking skills at the end of the semester or in the final exam. The teachers seldom used English in teaching English lesson. This causes the teacher tended to ignore teaching speaking communicatively.
Secondly, the application of notional and functional syllabus in SMK English curriculum limits the scope of the English material. The choice of material which is focused on transactional language limits the coverage of the vocabulary and the types of sentence forms. This limitation contributes to the students' difficulty in speaking.
It can be inferred from the SMK curriculum that the teacher is one of the external crucial factors that may develop students' ability, especially in English communication. Of course, he/she is the person who is actually responsible for educating them through the teaching learning process. It means that in transferring knowledge the teacher has also an important role to convey the messages. In diagnosing the learning situation, teachers are required to design the teaching techniques that will make the students easy to follow and understand the lessons given.
Besides, in teaching English, the teacher has to be able to make the students participate in discussing the materials actively, so that they will be able not only to understand what they are learning in the class but also to express their ideas in English orally. The most important thing to carry out in English teaching is that the teacher has to be able to use an appropriate approach, design, and procedures.
There are several approaches which are frequently used by the teacher to teach speaking. According to the researcher, the approach which is appropriate to the characteristics and condition of the students of SMKN X for developing their speaking ability is Project Work. Project Work is a learning experience which aims to provide students with the opportunity to synthesize knowledge from various areas of learning, and critically and creatively apply it to real life situations. This process which enhances students' knowledge and enables them to acquire skills like collaboration, communication and independent learning, prepares them for lifelong learning and the challenges ahead, (
There are many reasons why the writer takes project work to improve the students' speaking ability. First, project work focuses on content learning rather than on specific language targets. Real-world subject matter and topics of interest to students can become central to students. Second, project work is student-centered, though the teacher plays a major role in offering support and guidance throughout the process. Third, project work is cooperative rather than competitive. Students can work on their own, in small groups, or as a class to complete a project, sharing resources, ideas, and expertise along the way. Fourth, project work culminates in an end product (e.g., oral presentation, a poster session, a bulleting board display, a report, or a stage performance) that can be shared with others, giving the project a real purpose. The value of the project, however, lies not only just in the final product but also in the process of working towards the end point. Thus, project work has both a process and product orientation and provides students with opportunities to focus on fluency and accuracy at different project work stages. Finally, project work is potentially motivating, stimulating, empowering, and challenging. It usually results in building students' confidence, self-esteem, and autonomy as well as improving students' language skills, content learning, and cognitive abilities.
The target of this research is the improvement of the students' speaking competence, which is indicated by their speaking score that reaches at least 6.5.
Related to the phenomenon above, in this research the writer would like to conduct a research entitled "Improving Students' Speaking Ability Through Project Work". (An Action Research at the Tenth Grade of Technology Information Students of SMKN X in the academic year of XXXX/XXXX).

B. Problem Formulation
Based on the background of the study, the writer wants to find out whether the use of Project-based Learning in teaching speaking skill can improve the students' English speaking ability. The problem can be formulated as follows:
1. Does the use of project work improve the students' speaking ability?
2. How is the teaching-learning process when project work is applied in the speaking class?
3. What are the strengths and weaknesses in using project work in the classroom practice?

C. The Objectives of the Study
The success of the teaching-learning process in the language classroom depends on the process of interaction between the teacher and the students and among the students. The degree of the interaction in the classroom is influenced by certain factors such as the materials to be taught, the methods of teaching used and the atmosphere of the class that motivates the students to learn. Therefore, the objectives of the study are:
1. To find out whether the use of project work in teaching English improve the students' speaking ability or not.
2. To find out how the teaching-learning process is when project work is applied in the speaking class.
3. To find out the strengths and weaknesses in using project work in the classroom practice.

D. The Benefits of the Study
The result of the study is expected to be able to give benefits to the students, the teachers, the schools and the other researchers.
1. For students
a. The students' English speaking ability increases.
b. The students will not feel bored to join the learning activity.
c. The students are motivated to speak.
d. The students' vocabulary will increase automatically.
2. For teachers
a. The teachers will find a new approach which is appropriate for teaching speaking.
b. The teachers will develop their creativity to improve their teaching-learning process.
c. The teachers will be able to conduct teaching-learning activities appropriately.
3. For school
a. Project work increases students' achievement.
b. Project work develops learning strategies which stimulate students' creativities.
4. For other researchers
a. Project work probably will be used as a reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching process, especially in improving the students' speaking ability.
b. Project work can be used as an input in English teaching process.

Posted by: Admin Indeks Prestasi Updated at: 10:14:00




1.1 Latar Belakang
Untuk menunjang keseimbangan pembangunan, masih banyak hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam kemajuan dan perkembangan suatu negara. Oleh karena itu hal-hal yang mendasar untuk mempercepat dan melancarkan hubungan dari suatu kebutuhan diperlukan alat penunjang seperti bidang Transportasi sebagai sarana dan prasarana yang dapat membantu kegiatan sehari-hari yang antara lain berupa kegiatan perdagangan, pekerjaan, pendidikan dan kegiatan-kegiatan lainnya. Permasalah yang ada dalam bidang Transportasi ini adalah berupa sarana (kendaraan) dan prasarana (jalan) yang benar-benar harus dipikirkan dengan harapan dapat digunakan sebagai fungsinya sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.
Seiring dengan pesatnya pertumbuhan perekonomian di negara-negara yang sedang berkembang seperti di Indonesia, pengembangan dalam bidang sarana Transportasi merupakan salah satu program utama Pemerintah. Pertumbuhan perekonomian yang disertai peningkatan jumlah penduduk, peningkatan jumlah kendaraan, peningkatan lalu lintas angkutan barang dan jasa, dan lain sebagainya, perlu diimbangi dengan penambahan jaringan jalan serta penataan kembali lalu lintas pada jaringan jalan yang terdapat di kawasan tersebut. Lalu lintas dalam perkotaan memiliki pergerakan yang berbeda-beda, baik dalam gangguan atau kecepatannya yang berhubungan dengan arus dari kendaraan. Adanya pergerakan kendaraan di jalan yang menghubungkan dari satu ibukota propinsi ke ibukota kabupaten sampai ke jalan utama di dalam kota biasa disebut jalan arteri, jalan kolektor dan jalan lokal. Dalam pergerakan kendaraan dan karena adanya kebutuhan para pengguna jalan unutk mencapai tujuannya, setiap jalan diperlukan lajur, jalur dan arah, sehingga kendaraan yang bergerak selalu searah dan berlawanan arah. Terutama di jalan dalam perkotaan selalu memiliki pembatas yang membagi untuk setiap arah yang dituju, pembatas itu yang umumnya biasa disebut median jalan. Bentuk dari median jalan ada yang berupa garis lurus tanpa putus-putus atau putus-putus disebut marka jalan, berupa campuran batuan atau agregat yang memiliki bentuk lebih tinggi dari permukaan jalan, sehingga median ini tidak bisa dilewati oleh kendaraan manapun, akan tetapi bila median di atas permukaan dilewati kendaraan akan menimbulkan kecelakaan.
Dalam pengembangan komponen jalan, pemasangan median jalan tersebut dapat diterapkan di jalan bebas hambatan, jalan arteri, jalan kolektor dan jalan lokal. Untuk jalan bebas hambatan dan jalan arteri serta jalan kolektor dapat digunakan median jalan yang lebih tinggi dari permukaan jalan, sedangkan untuk jalan lokal biasanya hanya menggunakan marka jalan berupa garis tidak putus-putus atau putus-putus.
Penggunaan pembatas jalan yang berupa median di atas permukaan, mempunyai beberapa fimgsi antara lain dengan cara membuka median sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai tempat berputar arah pergerakan kendaraan, yang dapat diterapkan di jalan perkotaan pada jalan arteri, jalan kolektor yang memiliki arah berlawanan, dengan dilengkapi tanda rambu berputar arah sehingga kendaraan yang akan berputar arah akan mudah pergerakannya tanpa harus berputar dipersimpangan. Di Indonesia yang sekarang ini sebagai negara berkembang, memperlihatkan bahwa penambahan jumlah kendaraan dan ruas jalan sangat pesat yang berarti semakin besar pergerakan kendaraan di jalan dan permasalahan mengenai lalu lintas juga bertambah termasuk akibat diterapkannya median jalan yang dibuka sebagai tempat-tempat berputar arah pergerakan kendaraan.
Setiap adanya pergerakan dari tempat asal menuju tempat tujuan yang menggunakan kendaraan memiliki waktu perjalanan, pengaruh dari berapa lamanya waktu tersebut para pengguna jalan mencari waktu yang sesingkat-singkatnya dalam mencapai tempat yang dituju, akan tetapi untuk saat ini dalam perjalanan yang dilalui mengakibatkan waktu yang cukup bervariasi sesuai dengan kondisi jalan tersebut. Oleh sebab itu semakin banyak pengguna jalan yang menggunakan kendaraan dari berbagai macam bentuk, fungsi dan kebutuhannya, dikarenakan pengaruh dari kemajuan teknologi, maka semakin banyak juga pengaruh terhadap kendaraan untuk memberikan fasilitas yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan para pemakainya, akan tetapi fasilitas dari tiap kendaraan yang memberikan terbaik tidak akan mempengaruhi terhadap waktu perjalanannya karena lamanya waktu perjalanan itu akibat dari banyaknya pengguna jalan yang menggunakan kendaraan memenuhi ruas jalan yang dilewatinya.

1.2 Identifikasi Masalah
Permasalahan yang ada untuk saat ini di Kota X dalam melakukan perjalanan dari tempat asal ke tempat tujuan menghabiskan waktu yang cukup lama, dikarenakan banyaknya pengguna jalan tersebut. Kondisi jalan yang ada banyak persimpangan bersinyal atau tidak bersinyal, sehingga persimpangan tersebut akan menambah waktu perjalanan bagi pengendaranya, selain itu dengan adanya perubahan arah pada ruas jalan tertentu akan menambah waktu perjalanan. Dalam melakukan perjalanan untuk mempercepat waktu, maka pengendara mencari ruas jalan yang tidak banyak dilalui oleh pengendara lain dengan menggunakan "jalan tikus" atau menggunakan bukaan median di ruas jalan utama yang memiliki median karena sebagai alternatif dalam mempercepat perjalanannya. Akan tetapi dengan menggunakan "jalan tikus" atau menggunakan bukaan median tidak selamanya mempercepat waktu perjalanannya karena ada pengaruh dari arah yang berlawanan atau kondisi jalan tersebut. Dengan dilakukannya tinjauan waktu tempuh kendaraan yang melewati tempat berputar arah, untuk mengetahui berapa lama waktu tempuh dari setiap kendaraan yang searah, yang berlawanan arah dan yang dipengaruhi dari kondisi jalan serta gangguan lainnya yang melewati lokasi tersebut.
Adanya pembatas jalan dengan median yang ada di jalan arteri, kolektor atau lokal merupakan bagian dari cara pemecahan dalam manajemen lalu lintas, adanya median di atas permukaan jalan yang dibuka dapat difiingsikan sebagai tempat berputarnya kendaraan untuk pindah arah atau dengan kata lain disebut U-Turn. U-Tum dapat digunakan berdasarkan lokasi pada persimpangan bersinyal atau tidak bersinyal atau pada ruas jalan yang jauh dari persimpangan. Dalam hal ini di Kota X, U-Turn dapat dijumpai di jalan-jalan utama dengan median, mempunyai kondisi arus lalu lintas yang tinggi untuk satu atau lebih terjadinya konflik, arus langsung diarahkan melalui U-Turn untuk mengurangi jumlah konflik di antara persimpangan, sehingga akan tercapai kondisi pengoperasian yang lebih baik.
Akan tetapi adanya U-Turn tidak selalu dapat menyelesaikan seluruh masalah konflik, sebab U-Turn akan menimbulkan permasalah konflik tersendiri dalam bentuk hambatan terhadap arus lalu lintas searah dan arus yang berlawanan arah.
Selain konflik yang terjadi akibat U-Turn ada juga pengaruh yang lain seperti:
- Pada lalu lintas yang padat, jumlah kendaraan akan mendekati kapasitas jalan yang ada, dan akan mengakibatkan hambatan yang dampaknya lebih besar berupa tundaan.
- Pada kondisi jalan yang hampir berdekatan dengan lampu lalu lintas, seperti beberapa tempat lokasi U-Turn yang ada di Kota X yang mengakibatkan hambatan dari dua kejadian yang hampir bersamaan untuk melakukan U-Turn dan kendaraan yang melaju akibat lampu lalu lintas berwarna hijau.
- Pada ukuran U-Turn yang ada, dengan bukaan median yang sempit, akan mengakibatkan timbulnya hambatan karena dalam melakukan U-Turn dijumpai kendaraan yang menggunakan lajur luar dari arah yang akan digunakan.
- Dalam melakukan U-Turn, kendaraan akan bergerak ke tempat bukaan median, sehingga kecepatan kendaraan tersebut akan berkurang bahkan sampai berhenti, yang menimbulkan gangguan terhadap kendaraan pada arah yang sama.
Pada kendaraan tertentu, untuk melakukan U-Turn tidak akan secara langsung melakukan perputaran dikarenakan kondisi kendaraan yang tidak memiliki radius perputaran yang cukup, sehingga akan menyebabkan kendaraan lain akan terganggu bahkan berhenti baik dari arah yang sama atau dari arah yang akan dilalui.

1.3 Tujuan Penelitian
Adapun tujuan penelitian tesis ini adalah :
1. Mengevaluasi waktu tempuh rata-rata kendaraan yang akan melakukan U-Turn.
2. Mengevaluasi waktu tempuh rata-rata kendaraan terganggu yang searah dan berlawanan arah pada saat adanya kendaraan yang melakukan U-Turn.
3. Mengevaluasi waktu tempuh rata-rata kendaraan tidak terganggu yang searah dan berlawanan arah pada saat adanya kendaraan yang melakukan U-Turn.
4. Mengevaluasi waktu tundaan dari perbedaan waktu tempuh rata-rata kendaraan tertinggi dengan waktu tempuh rata-rata kendaraan terendah yang searah dan berlawanan arah akibat adanya kendaraan yang melakukan U-Turn.

1.4 Ruang Lingkup dan Pembatasan Masalah
Mengacu pada tujuan tesis ini, maka dalam penulisan ini dibatasi dengan ruang lingkup
dan pembatasan masalah sebagai berikut.
1. Pembatasan studi tinjauan ini hanya pada lokasi U-Turn yang digunakan oleh kendaraan ringan, kendaraan berat dan sepeda motor pada daerah jalan arteri di Kota X yang memiliki bukaan median, sehingga kendaraan dapat melakukan U-Turn dan yang telah ditentukan oleh pihak terkait dengan ditandai oleh rambu lalu lintas penunjuk berputar arah, serta tipe kendaraan yang ditentukan dalam MKJI menimbulkan hambatan samping yang berpengaruh dalam perencanaan namun tidak terlalu dominan.
2. Pengambilan waktu tempuh pada saat terjadinya kendaraan yang akan melakukan U-Turn, kendaraan yang terganggu dan kendaraan tidak terganggu akibat adanya kendaraan yang melakukan U-Turn.
3. Kelengkapan data yang diperoleh pada saat survei dan yang digunakan untuk melakukan analisa adalah : Arus Lalu lintas, Waktu Tempuh Kendaraan dan Geometrik Jalan serta data lain yang sesuai dengan prosedur MKJI.
4. Data yang digunakan berupa Data Primer, yang diperoleh dan hasil survei dilapangan pada saat terjadi adanya waktu tempuh kendaraan yang melakukan U-Turn dan kendaraan yang terganggu atau kendaraan yang tidak terganggu akibat kendaraan yang melakukan U-Turn.

1.5 Sistematika Penulisan
Dalam tesis ini dilakukan penulisan yang sestimatik terangkum dalam beberapa bab sebagai berikut:
Pada bab ini menjelaskan mengenai latar belakang, identifikasi masalah, tujuan penelitian, ruang lingkup dan pembatasan masalah serta sistematika penulisan.
Pada bab ini menjelaskan mengenai gambaran umum U-Turn, penempatan U-Turn pada ruas jalan, petunjuk desain untuk U-Turn, arus lalu lintas, kondisi ruas jalan, faktor konversi kendaraan, tundaan kendaraan dan analisis data.
Pada bab ini menjelaskan mengenai pendekatan studi, pengumpulan data pengamatan, variabel-variabel yang diukur, metodologi, pemilihan lokasi, studi pendahuluan, perekaman data lapangan.
Pada bab ini menjelaskan penyajian data yang diperoleh dari hasil survei lapangan yang dikumpulkan dan melakukan pengelompokan data sesuai dari arah pergerakan kendaraan yang melewati lokasi U-Turn, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk pengolahan data.
Pada bab ini menjelaskan analisa hasil perhitungan data yang diperoleh dari survei lapangan.
Pada bab ini menjelaskan kesimpulan dan saran berdasarkan analisa data yang telah diolah sesuai dengan penyajian data yang telah dikelompokkan.

Posted by: Admin Indeks Prestasi Updated at: 10:25:00




1.1. Latar Belakang Masalah
Kebijakan (policy) adalah sebuah instrumen pemerintahan, bukan saja dalam arti government, dalam arti hanya menyangkut aparatur negara, melainkan pula governance yang menyentuh berbagai bentuk kelembagaan, baik swasta, dunia usaha maupun masyarakat madani (civil society) (Rizal, 2007). Kebijakan pada intinya merupakan keputusan-keputusan atau pilihan-pilihan tindakan yang secara langsung mengatur pengelolaan dan pendistribusian sumberdaya alam, finansial dan manusia demi kepentingan publik, yakni rakyat banyak, penduduk, masyarakat atau warga negara (Rizal, 2007). Beberapa kalangan mendifinisikan kebijakan hanya sebatas dokumen-dokumen resmi, seperti perundang-undangan dan peraturan pemerintah, dan sebagian lagi mengartikan kebijakan sebagai pedoman, acuan, strategi dan kerangka tindakan yang dipilih atau ditetapkan sebagai garis besar atau roadmap pemerintah dalam melakukan kegiatan pembangunan (Rizal, 2007).
Analisis kebijakan adalah aktivitas menciptakan pengetahuan tentang dan dalam proses pembuatan kebijakan (Dunn, 2003). Proses analisis kebijakan adalah serangkaian aktivitas intelektual yang dilakukan di dalam proses kegiatan yang pada dasarnya bersifat politis. Aktivitas politik tersebut dijelaskan sebagai proses pembuatan kebijakan dan divisualisasikan sebagai serangkaian tahap yang saling bergantung yang diatur menurut urutan waktu : penyusunan agenda, formulasi kebijakan, adopsi kebijakan, implementasi kebijakan dan penilaian kebijakan (Dunn, 2003).
Sejak terjadinya krisis ekonomi pada tahun 1997 membuktikan bahwa Sistem Ekonomi Konglomerasi (SEK) sudah tidak relevan lagi untuk dipertahankan. Pada era reformasi paradigma pembangunan perlu dirubah, pembangunan perlu ditujukan untuk kepentingan rakyat, bukan untuk kepentingan segelintir atau kelompok. Pembangunan harus dikembangkan dengan berbasiskan ekonomi domestik pada daerah tingkat dua (Kabupaten/Kotamadya). Di samping itu, tingkat kemandirian harus tinggi, adanya kepercayaan diri dan kesetaraan, meluasnya kesempatan berusaha dan pendapatan, parsitipatif, adanya persaingan sehat, keterbukaan atau demokrasi, pemerataan dan yang berkeadilan. Semua ini merupakan ciri-ciri ekonomi rakyat yang harus dilakukan (Prawirokusumo, 2001).
Berdasarkan data dari Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) pada tahun 2007 sebesar 18,9 juta orang bekerja pada sektor industri ritel dan diantaranya berada pada sektor pasar tradisional yang terdiri dari 13.000 pasar tradisional dan menampung lebih dari 12,5 juta pedagang kecil. Jumlah penyerapan tenaga kerja pada sektor ritel merupakan sektor terbesar kedua dalam hal penyerapan tenaga kerja setelah sektor pertanian yang mencapai 41,8 juta orang. Kondisi ini membuat industri ritel berada pada posisi strategis dalam perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia, dan perlu adanya perhatian khusus dari pemerintah dalam pengelolaan sektor ini.
Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Perindustrian dan Perdagangan RI No. 420/MPP/Kep/10/1997 tentang pedoman dan pembinaan pasar dan pertokoan, pasar diklasifikasikan berdasarkan kelas mutu pelayanan menjadi 2 (dua), yaitu :
1. Pasar tradisional
Pasar tradisional adalah pasar yang dibangun dan dikelola oleh Pemerintah, Swasta, Koperasi, atau Swadaya Masyarakat dengan tempat usaha berupa toko, kios, los dan tenda, yang dimiliki atau dikelola oleh pedagang kecil dan menengah, dan koperasi, dengan usaha skala kecil dan modal kecil, dan dengan proses jual beli melalui tawar-menawar.
2. Pasar Modern
Pasar modern adalah pasar yang dibangun oleh Pemerintah, Swasta, atau Koperasi yang dalam bentuknya berupa mal, supermarket, Departement Store dan shoping centre dimana pengelolanya dilaksanakan secara modern, dan mengutamakan pelayanan dan kenyamanan berbelanja dengan manajemen berada disatu tangan, bermodal relatif kuat, dan dilengkapi label harga yang pasti.
Permasalahan timbul ketika pemerintah mengeluarkan Keppres 96/2000 (yang kemudian diperbaharui dengan Keppres 118/2000) tentang "Bidang Usaha yang Tertutup dan Bidang Usaha yang Terbuka dengan Persyaratan Tertentu bagi Penanaman Modal", yang intinya penghapusan bisnis perdagangan eceran skala besar {mall, supermarket, department store, pusat pertokoan/perbelanjaan) dan perdagangan besar (distributor/ wholesaler, perdagangan ekspor dan impor) dari negative list bagi penanaman modal asing (Priyono, 2003). Dihapusnya bisnis perdagangan eceran skala besar dan perdagangan besar dari negative list bagi penanaman modal asing membuat pertumbuhan pasar modern meningkat pesat dan mulai memberikan dampak negatif pada keberadaan pasar tradisional (Suryadarma, 2007).
Menurut penelitian lembaga AC Nielsen menunjukan perkembangan pasar modern (supermarket, minimarket, hypermarket) mengalami peningkatan yang sangat signifikan dari tahun ke tahunnya sebagaimana diperlihatkan pada Tabel 1.1 dibawah ini (Kuncoro, 2008):

* Tabel sengaja tidak ditampilkan **

Semua ritel atau pedagang berusaha untuk mengelola usahanya secara efisien, dan pada saat yang sama hams dapat memberikan konsumen dengan harga yang lebih murah dari pada pesaingnya, efesiensi ini dapat dilakukan dengan mengembangkan sistem atau saluran distribusi (Utami, 2006). Tambunan (2004) menunjukkan bahwa dari si si saluran distribusi antara pemasok dan retail di Indonesia terdapat perbedaan antara retail modern dan retail tradisional. Untuk retail tradisional rantai distribusinya relatif lebih panjang dari pada retail modern khususnya barang-barang dari industri besar (Tambunan, 2004). Perbedaan saluran distribusi ini menimbulkan perbedaan harga antara retail tradisional dan modern, yang menyebabkan lemahnya daya saing pasar tradisional terhadap pasar modern (Tambunan, 2004).
Tergesernya pasar tradisional disebabkan pula oleh meningkatnya taraf hidup dan berubahnya gaya hidup masyarakat, ketika tingkat taraf hidup masyarakat meningkat, disamping membutuhkan ketersediaan berbagai macam barang yang lengkap dari kebutuhan primer hingga kebutuhan tersier, fasilitas pendukung seperti kenyamanan, kebebasan, ataupun jaminan harga murah dan kualitas baik menjadi bahan pertimbangan masyarakat (Tambunan, 2004). Suryana (2008) menyebutkan bahwa berubahnya gaya hidup masyarakat atau konsumen sebagai akibat dari meningkatnya taraf hidup menyebabkan pertumbuhan pasar modern sangat pesat.
Berdasarkan fasilitas dan utilitas pasar tradisional dinilai tidak memadai dan kurang terpelihara, selain itu tidak tersedianya listrik dan air yang cukup, tidak tersedianya Tempat Pembuangan Sampah (TPS), kegiatan bongkar muat dengan tenaga manusia, jalan pasar kotor karena terbuat dari paving block, tempat parkir tidak terawat, waning dan restoran tidak terlokalisasi, fasilitas MCK kurang bersih, dan cold storage belum tersedia (Mahendra, 2008).
Wiboonpongse dan Sriboonchitta (2006) menyebutkan faktor lain yang juga menjadi penyebab kurang berkembangnya pasar tradisional adalah minimnya daya dukung karakteristik pedagang tradisional, yakni strategi perencanaan yang kurang baik, terbatasnya akses permodalan yang disebabkan jaminan (collateral) yang tidak mencukupi, tidak adanya skala ekonomi (economies of scale), tidak ada jalinan kerja sama dengan pemasok besar, buruknya manajemen pengadaan, dan ketidakmampuan untuk menyesuaikan dengan keinginan konsumen (Suryadarma, 2007). Langkah atau upaya untuk mendukung usaha perdagangan dapat dilakukan dengan strategi-strategi terpadu yang dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan bauran ritel {retailing mix), yang terdiri lokasi, pelayanan, merchandising, harga, suasana, pedagang, dan metode promosi (Foster, 2008).
Selain berkembangnya pasar modern, kondisi distributor, kondisi pasar (konsumen), faktor lainnya yang mempengaruhi berkembangnya pasar tradisional adalah program dan regulasi dari pemerintah. Takaendengan (2005) mengidentifikasi bahwa kelembagaan yang menangani, keahlian, dan keterampilan personil pengelolaan pasar merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam pengembangan pasar tradisional.
Pemberdayaan pasar tradisional perlu dilakukan karena fungsi dan peran pasar tradisional yang strategis, karena selain menyerap tenaga kerja yang banyak, pasar tradisional merupakan pangsa pasar utama penyerapan produk atau hasil-hasil dari pertanian (Kuncoro, 2008). Jadi bila kondisi dan kontribusi pasar tradisional terus menurun, maka akan berpengaruh negatif pada sektor pertanian yang merupakan penyerap tenaga kerja terbesar di Indonesia.
Untuk itu perlu adanya suatu perancangan strategis dalam pembuatan program dan regulasi untuk menanggulangi menurunnya peran pasar tradisional. Salah satu proses proses dari perancangan manajemen strategis adalah pengamatan lingkungan, yang terdiri dari lingkungan eksternal dan internal. Pengamatan lingkungan eksternal untuk melihat kesempatan dan ancaman, pengamatan lingkungan internal dilakukan untuk melihat kekuatan dan kelemahan. Faktor-faktor strategis ini ini diringkas dengan singkatan SWOT, yaitu Strengths (kekuatan), Weaknesses (kelemahan), Opportunity (kesempatan), dan Threats (ancaman) (Wheelen dan Hunger, 2003).
Perancangan strategis pengembangan pasar tradisional perlu dilakukan karena hal ini merupakan amanat dari UUD 1945 pasal 33 yang menyebutkan perekonomian nasional berdasarkan demokrasi ekonomi yang berpihak pada rakyat. Selaras dengan pasal 33 UUD 1945, GBHN tahun 1999, butir II tentang arah kebijakan ekonomi yang menyebutkan bahwa pemerintah harus melindungi para pengusaha kecil, menengah dan koperasi dari persaingan yang tidak sehat. Dalam implementasi program dan regulasi untuk pengembangan pasar tradisional ini menuntut peran besar dari pemerintah daerah, menurut UU No. 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintah Daerah bahwa tanggung jawab yang paling utama dan pertama di era otonomi dalam mensejahterakan masyarakat berada dipundak pemerintah daerah.
Pengembangan pasar tradisional di wilayah Kabupaten X harus dilakukan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten X khususnya Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan agar peran kontribusinya tidak tergeser oleh pasar modern, karena pada sektor perdagangan tradisional ini menurut data dari BPS Kabupaten X tahun 2008 terdapat 261.684 orang atau sebesar 29,99% yang menggantungkan hidupnya pada pasar tradisional. Jumlah ini merupakan persentasi terbesar diantara sektor-sektor lain dalam hal penyerapan tenaga kerja.
Untuk itu perlu merumuskan suatu perancangan analisis kebijakan pengembangan pasar tradisional untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pasar tradisional di Kabupaten X agar dapat bertahan dan berkembang ditengah persaingan dengan pasar modern yang semakin ketat.
Penelitian-penelitian yang berhubungan dengan pasar tradisional telah banyak dilakukan diantaranya :
- Priyono (2003), meneliti tentang dampak kehadiran pengecer besar terhadap pengecer kecil (pasar tradisional) di Indonesia dengan menggunakan analisis Cost-Benefit.
- Takaendengan (2005), meneliti tentang pengembangan sistem sanitasi pasar di Manado. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kelembagaan sebagai dasar input untuk matrik SWOT.
- Kuncoro (2008), meneliti strategi pengembangan pasar tradisional dan modern di Indonesia pasca dikeluarkannya Perpres No. 112 Tahun 2007. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara analisis deskriptif.
- Suryadarma (2007), meneliti tentang dampak keberadaan supermarket terhadap pasar dan pedagang ritel tradisional di daerah perkotaan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Difference-in-Defference (DiD) dalam menganalisis dampak keberadaan supermarket terhadap pasar tradisional.
- Megawati (2007), meneliti tentang pertumbuhan minimarket di Indonesia yang berkembang pesat di daerah-daerah pemukiman. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan model kebutuhan dari Levy&Weitz.
- Mahendra (2008), meneliti tentang fasilitas dan utilitas pasar tradisional, dimana utilitas terdiri dari lantai tempat lelang, lantai basah, lantai kering dan Cold Storage. Sedangkan untuk utilitas terdiri dari: ketersediaan listrik, air, trotoar, jalan masuk, tempat pembuangan sementara dan fork lift. Data-data yang didapat diolah dengan menggunakan metode RRA, SWOT, dan SMART
- Saepina (2008), meneliti tentang efektifitas implementasi kebijakan perizinan pendirian toko modern atau minimarket di Kabupaten X. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan model efektivitas implementasi kebijakan dari Wibawa.
- Shafwati (2007), meneliti tentang strategi peningkatan kualitas pelayanan pasar puring di Kota Pontianak. menggunakan SWOT dan analisis kuadran.

1.2. Perumusan Masalah
Akar permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah perlunya identifikasi dan analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan pasar tradisional, baik itu faktor internal maupun faktor eksternal dalam menghadapi persaingannya dengan keberadaan pasar modern. Wheelen dan Hunger (2003) menyebutkan bahwa lingkungan internal terdiri dari variabel-variabel (kekuatan-kelemahan) yang ada di dalam organisasi, dan lingkungan eksternal terdiri dari variabel-variabel (peluang dan ancaman) yang berada di luar organisasi.
Penelitian yang berkaitan dengan pasar tradisional telah dilakukan oleh beberapa peneliti. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja pasar tradisional telah diidentifikasi oleh penelitian Priyono (2003), Takaendengan (2005), Suryadarma (2007), Kuncoro (2008), Megawati (2007), Mahendra (2008), Saepina (2008), Shafwati (2007). Penelitian-penelitian tersebut belum dapat menunjukkan secara jelas mengenai faktor-faktor lingkungan yang berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan pasar tradisional, baik itu faktor eksternal maupun internal.
Penelitian-penelitian yang ada belum dapat menggambarkan kondisi lingkungan internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi pengembangan pasar tradisional. Oleh karena itu, masalah yang dirumuskan dalam penelitian ini dikemukakan dalam pertanyaan penelitian berikut. Bagaimana merancang kebijakan pengembangan pasar tradisional yang sesuai berdasarkan identifikasi faktor internal dan eksternal.
Seluruh proses perumusan masalah penelitian ini terangkum dalam skema yang terlihat pada Gambar 1.1. Proses perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini diawali dengan studi pendahuluan dan pencarian data awal. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan perumusan list of symptoms dan pendefinisian root causes, dan diakhiri dengan perumusan masalah.
Studi pendahuluan dilakukan dengan mempelajari berbagai literatur untuk memperoleh teori-teori mengenai analisis kebijakan dan konsep manajemen strategi. Pencarian data awal dilakukan dengan cara pencarian berbagai informasi yang terkait dengan kondisi pasar tradisional di Indonesia. Seluruh informasi yang diperoleh kemudian dirangkum dalam bentuk list of symptoms. Berdasarkan gejala-gejala yang ada, dapat dirumuskan root causes, dan akhirmya dapat dirumuskan permasalahan yang menjadi fokus penelitian.

** Gambar sengaja tidak ditampilkan **

1.3. Tujuan Penelitian
Tujuan yang akan dicapai melalui penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Merancang strategi kebijakan pengembangan pasar tradisional di Kabupaten X
2. Merumuskan usulan program-program implementasi dari strategi kebijakan yang terpilih, sehingga strategi kebijakan yang terpilih dapat memecahkan permasalahan pasar tradisional di Kabupaten X.
3. Mengkaji analisis persiapan organisasi pelaksana strategi, yaitu pada Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten X.

1.4. Batasan Masalah
Penelitian mengenai perancangan strategi kebijakan ini akan sangat komplek dan luas sehingga perlu dilakukan pembatasan masalah sebagai berikut :
1. Pasar tradisional yang akan dijadikan objek penelitian adalah pasar Pemda Kabupaten X yang terdiri dari 8 (delapan) pasar.
2. Data penelitian diambil sampai dengan tahun 2008.
3. Strategi yang dirumuskan diasumsikan independen atau tidak saling mempengaruhi.

1.5. Sistematika Penulisan
Sistematika penulisan dalam melakukan studi tugas akhir ini adalah sebagai berikut :
Bab I. Pendahuluan
Pada bab ini dijelaskan mengenai latar belakang masalah yang berisi hal-hal yang mendasari perlunya penelitian ini dilakukan, kemudian perumusan masalah yang berisi pernyataan singkat mengenai inti permasalahan yang akan diteliti serta tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini. Pada bab ini juga dibahas mengenai batasan yang digunakan dan sistematika penulisan.
Bab II. Studi Literatur
Bab ini menjelaskan tentang teori pendukung dan penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya yang berhubungan dengan perancangan strategi kebijakan, peran dan tugas pemerintah, faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam bisnis ritel pada umumnya dan pasar tradisional pada khususnya yang digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pengembangan model penelitian, dan tools yang akan digunakan dalam mengolah penelitian ini.
Bab III. Metodologi Penelitian
Bab ini menjelaskan secara rinci tentang metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini, meliputi persiapan penelitian, studi pendahuluan, pengumpulan data, pengolahan dan analisis data sehingga sampai pada suatu kesimpulan akhir.
Bab IV. Pengumpulan dan Pengolahan Data
Bab ini merupakan bagian yang menguraikan tentang pengumpulan data internal dan eksternal dari pasar tradisional di Kab. X dan metode pengolahannya. Pengumpulan data ini terdiri dari data-data primer dan sekunder mengenai kondisi lingkungan baik itu internal ataupun eksternal dari pasar tradisional yang akan digunakan untuk menyusun matrik IFE, EFE, IE dan SWOT untuk menformulasikan alternatif strategi, dan juga dalam pengumpulan data ada data dari hasil penyebaran kuesioner untuk menentukan bobot, nilai, dan alternatif strategi yang akan dipilih menggunakan metode AHP.
Bab V. Analisis
Bab ini menjelaskan tentang analisis hasil pengolahan data dan intepretasinya yang meliputi gambaran secara umum dari kondisi pasar tradisional di Kab. X berdasarkan data internal dan ekternal, serta membahas rekomendasi strategi yang terpilih dan mengkaji analisis persiapan organisasi pelaksana strategi agar dapat lebih optimal dalam pengimplementasian strategi.
Bab VI. Kesimpulan dan Saran
Bab penutup yang menyimpulkan hasil penelitian dan saran-saran yang berkaitan dengan strategi kebijakan pengembangan pasar tradisional baik saran kepada penelitian lebih lanjut maupun saran kepada pihak pemerintah Kab X yang dalam hal ini adalah pihak yang bertanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan pasar tradisional.

Posted by: Admin Indeks Prestasi Updated at: 10:23:00




1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah
Pertumbuhan populasi ditandai dengan adanya perubahan jumlah populasi disetiap waktu. Perubahan ini biasanya dipengaruhi oleh jumlah kelahiran, kematian dan migrasi. Terdapat beberapa model pertumbuhan, namun yang akan dibahas adalah model pertumbuhan kontinu dan diskrit. Model pertumbuhan kontinu meliputi model eksponensial dan model logistik. Sedangkan model pertumbuhan diskrit meliputi model linear homogen dan model diskrit logistik. Model-model tersebut mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Model eksponensial merupakan model pertumbuhan yang sangat sederhana. Pada model ini individu berkembang tidak dibatasi oleh lingkungan seperti kompetisi dan keterbatasan akan suplai makanan. Laju perubahan populasi dapat dihitung jika banyaknya kelahiran, kematian dan migrasi diketahui. Prediksi bahwa jumlah populasi akan tumbuh secara eksponensial pertama kali dicetuskan oleh Malthus (1798). Populasi yang tumbuh secara eksponensial pertama kali diamati terjadi di alam bebas. Dinamika populasi dapat di aproksimasi dengan model ini hanya untuk periode waktu yang pendek saja.
Model kedua untuk model pertumbuhan kontinu adalah model logistik. Model ini merupakan penyempurnaan dari model eksponensial dan pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Pierre Velhust pada tahun 1838. Berbeda dengan model eksponensial, model ini memasukkan batas untuk populasinya sehingga jumlah populasi dengan model ini tidak akan tumbuh secara tak terhingga. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk akan terbatas akan ketersediaan makanan, tempat tinggal, dan sumber hidup lainnya. Dengan asusmsi tersebut, jumlah populasi dengan model ini akan selalu terbatas pada suatu nilai tertentu.
Model pertumbuhan kontinu logistik mempunyai hasil estimasi yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan model pertumbuhan eksponensial. Namun model logistik tidak cocok digunakan untuk memprediksi jumlah populasi dalam jangka waktu yang sangat panjang. Oleh karena itu diperlukan model lain yang signifikan untuk memprediksi jumlah penduduk baik dalam jangka waktu pendek, menengah maupun jangka panjang. Salah satu alternatif model adalah dengan menggunakan model diskrit. Model diskrit yang dipelajari meliputi model linier homogen dan model diskrit logistik. Dari model-model tersebut kemudian dipilih yang terbaik dengan membandingkan hasil estimasi yang telah dilakukan terhadap data yang sebenarnya. Harapannya, model terbaik tersebut dapat digunakan lebih lanjut untuk memprediksi jumlah populasi yang akan datang.
Laju kelahiran dan kematian tidak hanya berpengaruh terhadap perubahan jumlah populasi. Akan tetapi keduanya juga berpengaruh terhadap epidemi penyakit. Salah satunya adalah penyakit tuberkulosis. Selama ini antara pertumbuhan penduduk dengan epidemik suatu penyakit dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang terpisah. Oleh karena itu, pada kesempatan kali ini penulis akan mencoba mengaitkan antara laju pertumbuhan populasi dari model pertumbuhan populasi dengan epidemi penyakit tuberkulosis.

1.2 Rumusan Masalah
Pada bagian awal akan dibahas macam-macam model pertumbuhan populasi. Dengan menggunakan data jumlah penduduk Amerika dari tahun 1700 sampai dengan tahun 2000, akan diperoleh laju pertumbuhan populasi dan estimasi jumlah populasi dari tiap-tiap model. Selanjutnya dari bahasan mengenai pertumbuhan populasi penduduk ini, akan dianalisa lebih lanjut pengaruh laju pertumbuhan penduduk terhadap dinamika penyebaran penyakit TB di negara yang sama, karena data kasus penyakit ini juga telah didokumentaikan dengan baik dan dapat diakses dengan mudah.
Model penyebaran penyakit TB yang aka dibahas terdiri atas dua model, yakni model dengan peluang terinfeksi konstan dan model dengan peluang terinfeksi berupa suatu fungsi yang bergantung terhadap waktu dan juga laju pertumbuhan penduduk. Dari kedua model tersebut akan dipelajari dinamika penyebaran penyakit TB sehingga diperoleh model yang sesuai dengan kondisi sebenarnya.

1.3 Tujuan Penulisan
Tujuan utama dari penulisan tugas akhir ini adalah untuk mempelajari model pertumbuhan populasi dan kaitannya dengan epidemi penyakit tuberkulosis. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, terlebih dahulu akan dibahas model pertumbuhan populasi kontinu yang didalamnya membahas model pertumbuhan eksponensial dan logistik dan model pertumbuhan populasi diskrit yang meliputi model beda linier homogen dan beda logistik.

1.4 Sistematika Penulisan
1. Bab I (Pendahuluan), membahas latar belakang masalah, rumusan masalah, tujuan penelitian dan sistematika penulisan.
2. Bab II (Pembahasan), membahas model pertumbuhan populasi kontinu
3. Bab III (Pembahasan), membahas model pertumbuhan populasi diskrit.
4. Bab IV (Pembahasan), membahas kaitan pertumbuhan populasi dengan epidemi penyakit tuberkulosis.
5. Bab V (Penutup), berisi kesimpulan akhir dari penelitian ini.

Posted by: Admin Indeks Prestasi Updated at: 10:22:00